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MegaCynics: Doctored Preconceptions (Apr 4, 2012)
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Doctored Preconceptions

Today we have another comic drawn up by our guest artist and good friend, Geoff Adams :) I can't say that this ever happened to Steve or either of his kids, but it definitely seems like something that that could happen. It popped into my head a few weeks ago but I had already written out my comics to work on. Luckily, I have these wonderful friends who can draw for me! Hooray!

New Comic: Doctored Preconceptions

Today we have another comic drawn up by our guest artist and good friend, Geoff Adams :) I can't say that this ever happened to Steve or either of his kids, but it definitely seems like something that that could happen. It popped into my head a few weeks ago but I had already written out my comics to work on. Luckily, I have these wonderful friends who can draw for me! Hooray!



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