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MegaCynics :: Swipe When Ready
  • MegaCynics :: Swipe When Ready MegaCynics :: Swipe When Ready

    Okay, THIS comic is based off true events. My apartment building (though I love it) is near the beach and therefore, near Seagulls. I apologize in advance to any Gull enthusiasts, but I HATE Seagulls. I’m sure they do something awesome and magical for the environment like most species do, but as far as I’m concerned, they’re noisy, pooping, dive-bombing assholes. Anyways, There was one Seagull in particular who decided to make a nest on top of my building and perch on the telephone pole right out side my bedroom window. This, of course, meant that I was awoken at first light every day to the most annoying Seagull screech I’ve ever heard. Apparently, their squawk gets worse when they’re protecting a nest (good to know, right?). This comic will be followed up so I won’t put up spoilers as to the outcome of said Seagull. In the meantime, enjoy the comic, it’s one of my personal favorites so far! =D