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MegaCynics :: Dear Fleury...
  • MegaCynics :: Dear Fleury... MegaCynics :: Dear Fleury...

    Steve's comments:

    Perhaps you can sense a theme in our comics: many of them are based on real events. This is because real life is interesting. At least I find it to be. Well, this comic continues this tradition. A while back, my friend Chris Avellone (already featured several times in MegaCynics) tweeted about an indie fan film based on Fallout: New Vegas called Nuka Break. It's on YouTube and you can watch it right here. The 15 minute short film got tremendous attention, and eventually the creators ran an IndieGogo project to raise funds for an actual websereies. Long story short, I donated to the project, and was invited down to be a part of it. So of course I asked Ash to accompany me. What transpired next... is mostly top secret, until the first episode launches at PAX at the end of this month. But I can tell you that Ash and I had a ton of fun, made a bunch of new friends, and have definitely contributed to the project. We'll blog about it here, as we are able to, and cover it in the comic as well. Because we love you.