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MegaCynics :: Wax Off
  • MegaCynics :: Wax Off MegaCynics :: Wax Off

    Now before you remind me, I am aware that using the word "gay" to describe something "happy and bright" is considered a dated definition even by the dictionary, and that's the reason I titled this comic "Dated Terminology". I think I might have been the last generation who learned this word by it's original definition and to this day whenever I hear it used a a derogatory term I giggle to myself a little, not because that person made a funny joke (even if it is a hilarious joke) but because as far as I'm concerned it's not derogatory at all. My friends and I say it ironically to each other all the time just because it's been adopted into common slang, and we do realize that it's offensive to people who do not have the same type pf humor we do and we try not to say it in conversation unless we know the other person will take it as the innocent joke we mean it as. To anyone I may have offended with this comic, or who has overheard me say things like this in public, I'm truly sorry if I offended you. It was not my intention.