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MegaCynics :: A Sign of the Times
  • MegaCynics :: A Sign of the Times MegaCynics :: A Sign of the Times

    Okay. I just want to say (before any comment backlash) that this is a comic, and not meant as an attack on any responsible gun owners. This idea popped into my head when I was reading through comments people had posted on the internet after certain tragic events. I'm not trying to make light of any situation, I am simply speaking my mind in response to hearing gun owners/organizations blame the entertainment industry for gun violence instead of the people that commit the crimes. I WILL absolutely lock out comments if this turns into any kind of hateful debate over peoples own personal beliefs. Take this comic for what it is. A joke.

  • I started mentoring with big brothers big sisters my freshman year in high school.  my littles actually did not know about speed racer and transformers.  I felt like chasing them with my walker, but I think I would break a hip.