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MegaCynics :: We're Being Followed
  • MegaCynics :: We're Being Followed MegaCynics :: We're Being Followed

    This comic is inspired by my roommate's evil EVIL cat. Okay, I'm not being completely fair... I'm not a cat person at all and even I have to admit that her cat is pretty awesome. He's pretty friendly and he like to play all the time and he can be pretty goofy, but since I moved here he's been terrorizing me quite a bit seeing as I'm the one who's in the house during the day. He's already scratched the hell out of my feet, destroyed my yoga ball, and (my personal favorite) taught himself to open doors so he fools me into thinking there is an axe murderer trying to get into my room. I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of this cat in future comic as he's an unending source of hilarity and annoyance :)

  • comic steve, that joke was beautiful.