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MegaCynics :: The Contest
  • MegaCynics :: The Contest MegaCynics :: The Contest

    So James wrote this during Desert Bus while I was complaining about having writers block.  We laughed about how it'd be funny if I put up a comic this dumb and then I mentioned it on air and... well I figured I'd just draw it anyway.  I promise they'll be normal from now on.

  • Pretty funny, without knowing so, i read it wondering what it had to do with Desert Bus... and well you explained same.. .it is right on par with some of the challenges... Thanks for the laugh.
  • Hey, I allotted you a week of 'post-desertbus' comics to recover before you're back into your groove. :)

    Oh, and I have to say the art is fantastic as always; the writing is simple, but still sufficient, especially considering the circumstances.

    Thanks, luv!