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MegaCynics :: Royal Invitation
  • MegaCynics :: Royal Invitation MegaCynics :: Royal Invitation

    Steve's comments:

    This comic features Ken Levine, Tim Schafer, Tom Hall, and Chris Avellone, all in one glorious oversize comic. Its premise is simple: what if teen girls treated game developers like boy bands? Because they should. You know it and I know it. Alas, most teenage girls do not. Although with the ever-increasing success and clout of events like E3 and Pax and Comic-Con, things definitely seem to be heading in the right direction. This is my favorite MegaCynics comic of all time. In fact, it is my favorite comic of all time, period. This may be due to the fact that I wrote it, or that my awesome sister brought it to life in a way that exceeded my fondest hopes. But it's funny, damn funny, and makes me laugh out loud no matter how many times I look at it.