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MegaCynics :: Technicalities
  • ...not to be THAT GUY, but...

    Panel 1: Power requirements. You can make oxygen in the replicators (probably), but it probably requires a maaaaasive amount of energy in order to create an hour's worth of breathable oxygen for one person. Or something. Its not scalable, that's what I mean.

    Panel 2: Probably because he's trying to not just mimic people, but grow as a person. He can quote people, sure, but if he can't form the thoughts on his own, what's the point?

    Panel 3: This is actually addressed throughout the show, and other series in Star Trek: On Medical matters, the Doctor has authority over everyone, including the Captain. The Doctor can relieve the Captain of duty if he's medically compromised, and its shown up a few times here and there. In that case, their rank comes form their position as Chief Medical Officer, not their command rank, which is separate... for some reason


    ...look the answer to all of that is "because it makes the story/character work", okay? :D
  • To expand on Wraithy's commentStarFleet is a military organization therefore rank and positions matter in different circumstances. Crusher can give Picard orders on medical matters because she is the CMO her rank as commander is irrelevant. The commander rank is her military rank which only matters when she is giving non medical orders. As a commander she outranks most people on the ship so her orders would be followed in either case. However on DS9 Bashier is only a LTJG at the beginning of the series yet as CMO he can give medical orders to anyone including the Bajoran crew because they have agreed to follow Starfleet regulations. It also comes into play in other situations as well. There is an episode where Picard, Data and Riker are off the ship and Picard puts Geordi in command. The chief engineer tries to order Geordi to do something because he outranks him but Picard gave command to Geordi so Geordi can lawfully ignore those orders. This is actually the same regulations and methods most western military follow. Including the US and Canadian Navy.As for the replicator question, the replicators are part of the life support systems so if life support is down so are the replicators. Also replicators are a matter/energy conversion device so the energy and they work both ways. So when you see them put dirty plates into a replicator and they disappear the ship reclaims that energy. (Think Mr Fusion from back to the future)
  • To answer number one. From memory alpha "On Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, it was established that as long as there is an energy source to power life support, replication is used to provide breathable air on ships and starbases (and to disassemble the carbon dioxide exhaled by the crew), thus providing a seemingly endless supply of oxygen and eliminating the need to carry air tanks."

    Replicators are what make the air in the first place. If life support is down, that means the replicators are down.
  • I knew there'd be answers to all these questions down here.Since I don't see a good answer to Panel 2, It's not that Data can't use contractions.  He can use them, he just doesn't because it's not what comes naturally to him.  It's just his speaking style.  He doesn't exactly know which shortcuts he can casually make in his speech and error on the side of clarity and precision.  He does become more expressive over time as he gains more experience with people.(Unless I'm wrong and he actually stated in an early episode that he can't use contractions)
  • "Panel 1: Power requirements. You can make oxygen in the replicators
    (probably), but it probably requires a maaaaasive amount of energy in
    order to create an hour's worth of breathable oxygen for one person. Or
    something. Its not scalable, that's what I mean."
    This is a culture that has made matter-antimatter annihilation reactors commonplace and have tech that can effortlessly transport someone across thousands of kilometers, and is standard to just materialize food and drink from energy. Stripping carbon off CO2 would be trivial. And the waste carbon used to ease energy requirements on the replicators.
  • Odd, it was always my understanding that the replicators were specifically matter replicators; and thus couldn't be used to manufacture oxygen.As for Doctor Crusher, her rank is commander, however, she can supersede anyone else's rank if she deems it a medical necessity. The most famous example being that she can, and has, relieved Captain Picard himself if she deems him mentally unfit to continue at his post.There's actually real-world military precedence for this, in fact!