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MegaCynics :: Steve's Peeves #1 Anti-Vaxxers
  • Anti-Vaxxer: When someone who was too stupid to be allowed to procreate to begin with, retroactively works toward correcting their perceived error.
  • Ivan, I love that and I'm totally stealing it for future reference (with attribution of course).
  • So let me say that I am not an Anti-Vaxxer and I realize that this is a comic and HAHA and all that. However just so its more clear this is a horrible idea. We have freedom of speech for a reason and putting someone in jail for having an opinion and sharing that opinion (no matter how idiotic or dangerous) is just a bad idea all around. 
  • Er, freedom of speech doesn't shield you if your opinions result in injury or death. That's why we have things called "accessory to murder" and, on a related note, "sedition."Learn to Law, bro.

    In more interesting/relevant news: I agree with the Steve and his Anti-Peeve.
  • No.  The parent of the unvaccinated child should be held criminally responsible, but the "doctor" or "celebrity" spreading the crass insanity that is anti vax should be held civilly liable and taken for all the money they've got.

  • To be fair. I live in a fairly unadvanced country in tons and tons of ways. But such a thing as people saying vaccines and vaccination is wrong is just....i don't know. Not even here you could here that kind of nonsence.And i guess tat people who's inteligent and live on the same soil as those anti-vax people still think it's just stupid. But i awear that i really forget those exist all the time. And when i see them it's jsut like if a person came to me and tried to convince me of something as idiotic as making a fire underwater. (Fak you spongebob, you're not legit)
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