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MegaCynics :: Taxing Tales
  • Well, actually... /Comic Book Guy voice whilst pushing up invisible glasses

    His name was never Adam. The crew at Disney Animation never gave him a name; they always just called him The Beast. The name "Adam" came from some third-party CD-ROM that has other errors in it; Disney licensed it but didn't (or couldn't) fact-check it.

    The rest of the comic makes sense, though. Apparently in the movie there's supposed to be a reference to the Enchantress making the outside world forget about him. Maybe the villagers stopped paying taxes once nobody came to collect them, and nobody else realized there was a tax problem to worry about because they forgot there was a prince there. Or maybe the Prince is just a minor noble and there's a bigger noble around to collect the taxes.
  • Oh, my gosh. In all my years of watching that film this never occurred to me, & I'm usually all over plot holes. Mind has been blown. :D