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MegaCynics :: Don't Get Burned
  • So THIS is why you eloped on Halloween... So you didn't have to fall into a sham marriage with an American. ;-)
  • Thank god DesertBus is coming up, will be a fantastic detox from this roller coaster of an election. 

    Guess I should start looking for a willing single Canadian, just in case.
  • As opposed to a lieing, delusional, treasonous garbage fire?It's giant douche vs. turd sandwich. We're fucked either way. Voting is a waste of time this election.
  • Thank you, WraithTDK. The fact that so many actually feel that one is better than the other, is just depressing and, to be honest, rather aggravating. I guess it goes to show you the power that factions have over the minds of people. Rather than cast either of these two equally horrid people aside and elect someone semi competent, people are willing to actually support, as you put it, A "Giant douche" or a "Turd Sandwich"Sad, sad times.
  • I tried. Managed to get VA in the H column but it wasn't enough.