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MegaCynics :: Sight Steps
  • My co-worker/internet personality Tom turned me on to Zenni Optical, where I can custom-tinted prescription glasses and a pair of clip-on sunglasses for about $20.80, shipping included. The internet is a magical place.
  • A Batman wallet?!

    Marry me.
  • The look on her face in Panel 4 is so magical, I can hear "A Whole New World" playing in my mental soundtrack. :D
  • I lost my prescription immediately after getting my last 2 pairs of glasses (end of insurance), so I could never buy future pairs online for cheap :(  I'm now wearing the ones I bought as a backup, and have been for about 3 years now.
  • The face on Ash in Panel 2 is exactly how I react every single time I go shopping for sun glasses. Vendors in shopping malls must be out of their damn MINDS if they think their going to get business selling $3,000 to $5,000 sun glasses!