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MegaCynics :: Too Many Brads
  • At one point I worked with 8 Rons. I think we're down to about 4, now.
    However, now we're up to 8 Dougs.
  • I'm a Jennifer - I was just ahead of the surge, but the class after me never had less than 3 Jennifers (and usually 3-4 Christophers, too). Though, mostly because the name lends itself to nicknames, the most Jennifers I've ever worked with was 3 - plenty of Jenns, Jennys, etc. though.
  • You know what's even worse than having a same that everyone else has people? Having a name that NO ONE where you live, work, or go to school with has. I was the only person in my ENTIRE ELEMENTARY, MIDDLE, AND HIGH SCHOOLS with the name Ian and HOLY FUCK did the bullies sure LOVE to use that AGAINST ME!
  • You also can't get away with anything;

    "Who hit you?"
    "Uhm... Steve."
    "Which one?"
    "I don't know his last name."


    "Who hit you?"
    *over the PA* "Ian to the principles' office."