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MegaCynics :: Feigning Sympathy
  • But... Buut.... CANDY CORNS!
  • The solution is very simple, hoard ALL of the candy, then when you can eat them again you can mock people with your mouth full of candy on top of your pile of candy. For bonus points you can add a candy throne out of licorice or something.
  • Having just spent 6 weeks waiting on a permenant crown because the first casting was too skinny of a tooth, all it means to have a temporary is that you'd have to go see your dentist to put some new glue on it when it comes out. But I was also told that with a bit of toothpaste, you could stick it back in for a day or two until you see him to get it glued back in.

    You can still have your Halloween candy.  And eat my share too while you're at it, because I'm a diabetic and I can't anymore.

  • You have my sympathies and company, as I'm in a similar situation.  Getting a crown right before Halloween sucks.  At least on the positive side, it wasn't right before Thanksgiving.