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MegaCynics :: The Pick Up
  • MegaCynics :: The Pick Up MegaCynics :: The Pick Up

    Okay, before you say anything I did get Steve a birthday gift. It was just really late... also not nearly as awesome as the stuff he gets me.... shut up. The inspiration for this comic did not actually come from Steve's birthday, but my mom's birthday. As it would happen, my mom's birthday is 3 days before mine so around the 26th of November I say "Oh hey, my birthday is in a week =D.......... OH FUCK, mom's birthday is in four days!!" D: *runs out to buy a gift* I thought it would be funny if I somehow managed to forget my mothers birthday even though it's so close to mine, but I thought it was even funnier to pretend I forgot Steve's birthday... cuz I'm cruel like that.