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MegaCynics :: Premeditated Mantle
  • Whats with the faces?
  • BTW - once the comment box loads, I can't scroll down and see any comments anymore. Firefox latest, Win 7 Pro, laptop. I saw Azazel's comment as the page was loading, but can't see it now, just the identifier line (and not even all of the avatar). This has been true since the website redo and the MegaComments.

    I agree, though - particularly Ash's face in the second panel. Much more 3D than usual - strange but good.

    Bah. Trying to post this - Twitter fails. I authorize the app, then get
    Fatal error: Wrong parameters for Exception([string $exception [, long $code [, Exception $previous = NULL]]]) in /home/megac/public_html/forums/plugins/Twitter/class.twitter.plugin.php on line 305

    Google fails - I authorize the app, then it goes to a page with two fields. One says choose a username, one doesn't say anything (it has a ghost avatar half-overlapping). When I click OK, there's a flash of a password field, but I can't actually enter anything (and what would the point be anyway?) and then it goes back to the two fields.

    I don't have OpenID or Facebook (and won't, too much trouble). So I guess I'm making an account here.
  • Love the facial expression on Ash in the second panel.
  • @jjmcgaffey: I'll look into it, but can I get a clarification: By latest Firefox, are we talking latest stable branch or latest beta branch?
  • Latest stable - currently 30.0. Thanks!