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MegaCynics :: Eggs-Pertly Hidden
  • Easter is for suffering...  ninja style!  :D

    (BTW had to use Facebook's commenting, since Google's spat this out:
    "Provider is required. UniqueID is required. The connection data has not been verified.")
  • I expected Ash to have eaten the candy already. I know I would have
  • share buttons still suck :) 
  • You think that is bad. Try going to a Passover Seder as a kid and looking for that one(!) piece of matzoh (afikomen) that all the kids are looking for and it turns out to be hidden in a place a kid would never think to look (ie liquor cabinet) all for like 50 cents as a reward. At least with the Easter eggs you have a chance for chocolate. :P
  • The Denglings look cute. :-D