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MegaCynics :: New Site!
  • Not sure if it's true for everybody but I had to mouse over most of the buttons to get their icons to show up, but they stayed after that.  (like the follow ones on the right and the archives one below the comic)  I also couldn't get the twitter API log-in to work for some reason (though this may have been me, but twitter seems to be working fine.)
  • Hello everyone! I'm Seg, the front-end web designer for the new site. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me via Twitter at @TheSeg!
  • We're still working out the kinks ;)
  • It looks great on mobile, but i had to log in with Facebook instead of Google. It wasn't working with Google.
  • You are probably already aware of this one but the navigation menu above the comment box wraps oddly on my Android phone in portrait mode. Landscape mode it's fine. Other than that, looks great!
  • Very nice :-)
  • As a bit of a base-level design issue, the archives button now looks a bit too much like a trash can.  'Like the beveled topbar, though.
  • Nifty new site design. And breaking the fourth wall! Can't wait to see what the absolute final product is. :D