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MegaCynics :: Employment... Roll Out
  • MegaCynics :: Employment... Roll Out MegaCynics :: Employment... Roll Out

    Okay okay, I got the treadmill after the I got the couch, but I do so love making fun of myself for my determination to lose weight and the complete lack of follow-through. Although I am using my treadmill quite regularly nowadays, when I first acquired it, it sat in the corner for over a month while I bragged to everyone about how skinny I was going to be now that I have a treadmill. Turns out, you actually need to run on the damn thing. =(

  • he is a better person for it, trashing on classic transformers, come the revolution his kind will be the first in the reeducation camps. the first transformers series was a staple of my childhood, that and golion, and macross, and pretty much anything featuring robots. minicons kinda ruined the frachise for me though.