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MegaCynics :: Queen of the Universe
  • MegaCynics :: Queen of the Universe MegaCynics :: Queen of the Universe

    See? See? Today's title is funny because it's also my name =D... Anyways, this is a fairly accurate representation of how I felt while on the set of the Nuka Break web series. The first two days were pleasant enough because I was able to escape into the shade, however the third day was shot out in the middle of the California desert, and my poor Canadian-bred flesh just did not do well. Luckily, I did in fact use sun block and prevented what would have been a very severe sun burn (in fact Steve was more red than I when all was said and done) but for a few hours there, I really thought I wouldn't make it. Stepping out of the car was like getting hit in the face with FIRE. Seriously, people, if you ever want to know what it's like to hang out in an oven, go to the desert in August. It blows.