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MegaCynics :: Luuuuu...
  • MegaCynics :: Luuuuu... MegaCynics :: Luuuuu...

    Once again, this comic brings me back to my glory days working in retail... If any of you have ever worked in a mall then you know that no matter where you work in the mall you are obviously a customer service rep for the entire city. People pick a store at random and ask for directions and restaurant tips from the poor clerks on shift, and they even have the balls to get upset when these employees don't have the answers to their stupid questions! Honestly, people, if you are from out of town and you want to know where to go get a bite to eat or how to get to a certain landmark, GO TO A FUCKING TOUR GUIDE. The reason we don't know where these stupid touristy places are is because we probably went there on a 3rd grade field trip and promptly erased the location from our minds after being bored to tears listening to someone talk about it for half a day. Anyway, for all you retail heroes out there, this one is for you.