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MegaCynics :: Hawaiian Lunch
  • MegaCynics :: Hawaiian Lunch MegaCynics :: Hawaiian Lunch

    I have no clue what idiot decided it'd be a good idea to put pineapple on pizza but I'll tell you this, I hate that guy. Seriously, the sugar seeps out of it and ruins a perfectly good savoury dinner... And people actually PAY for that?!? Madness.

  • Oh wow! Finally someone who agrees with me! Fruit is great in its natural state, but if you cook it, dry it, or add it to a savoury dish the crime should be punishable by death! My two biggest bugbears: pineapple on pizza and sultanas in curry. Curry should not now, nor ever ever be described as "sweet". Good onya Ash. (PS my favourite pizza is pepperoni with anchovies)...
  • Pepperoni, chicken, jalapeƱos