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MegaCynics :: Fun Facts About My Dog
  • MegaCynics :: Fun Facts About My Dog MegaCynics :: Fun Facts About My Dog

    Interesting side-note: Buster has done all of these things in the past week.

  • And yet, if you're a dog person, none of this really matters... Says the bloke who regularly has an eight month old collie-setter cross launch herself onto my bed (usually landing on my stomach or points South) so she can look out of the window at the birds and yelp excitedly at them, while I try to breathe again.
  • What I don't understand is why dogs can't walk themselves.  Why can't you just let them out and then open the door when they're ready to come inside?  A friend of mine gets up at 6am to walk his lab.  Six!  In the morning!  It's crazy!