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MegaCynics :: L.V. Four-Twenty-Shit
  • MegaCynics :: L.V. Four-Twenty-Shit MegaCynics :: L.V. Four-Twenty-Shit

    So, this comic is a half-true event, it was originally inspired by a friend of mine (Travis) bringing home the special edition of Aliens: Colonial Marines. I should mention that I am fond of the Aliens series, but he LOVES them. He'd been waiting for this game for-fucking-ever (and that's also the official time-measurement of how long it took for this game to be made) and he was stoked to play through it (I was just excited to play an alien in the multiplayer). Travis gave a good 6-8 hours of his life to that game, and that's time he'll never get back. We dedicate this comic to Travis. Our deepest condolences.