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MegaCynics :: Interview Bomb
  • MegaCynics :: Interview Bomb MegaCynics :: Interview Bomb

    Well I can't say that this comic is based off true events. This is one that I wrote in my head while we were on our Portal Gun plane trip. I'm not exactly sure how the conversation started but there were a bunch of pilots stuck in one particular airport waiting for a bad weather front to move East, all the while complaining about their significant others. During that conversation one of the female pilots was complaining about how demanding her husband was and said something to the effect of "Who died and made him King of the Universe?". Sometimes when people say things like this I like to imagine what I would say if that question was directed at me. Needless to say, I wrote this comic and started giggling to myself in the middle of the tiny airport and I logged it away until I remembered it a month later.