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MegaCynics :: Costume Countdown
  • MegaCynics :: Costume Countdown MegaCynics :: Costume Countdown

    Crap. It finally happened. This was the first official MegaCynics comic to go up late *cries*. Well, At least it wasn't finished late, I just failed to post it on the schedule ahead of time (whoops). Anywho, This comic isn't really based off a true conversation about a ninja roommate, but was IS true about it is that I am in fact back in Los Angeles with Bianca for a little while (woo) and that US customs did not make it easy for me to get here. I was held up in the screening room for just long enough to miss my flight (thaaaaaanks) but, the lovely people at West Jet were there to help me switch my flight for free and make sure my bags got where they needed to go. So it all worked out in the end :)