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MegaCynics :: Camel Kiss
  • MegaCynics :: Camel Kiss MegaCynics :: Camel Kiss

    So this comic isn't reality *yet*... By that I mean that my eyesight has always been perfect my whole life, but I've always thought I look REALLY good with glasses (even in elementary school), so I've been preying that one day my eyes would weaken and that I would NEED to wear glasses instead of being a poser that wears them for fun (which I am completely guilty of already). The comic itself was sparked by a conversation Steve and I had months ago when he told me he had laser eye surgery to rid himself of his glasses, to which I replied "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT??!" It got me thinking of how this generation is probably one of the first to think glasses are "cool" instead of "nerdy" or "sophisticated" and I figured I may as well pop it in to a comic. side note: It would appear that it's becoming a bit harder for me to focus on my computer screen so perhaps this comic will be reality sooner rather than later.