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MegaCynics :: Oh, Canada
  • MegaCynics :: Oh, Canada MegaCynics :: Oh, Canada

    This comic didn't really happen. I have been meaning to write something to this effect for some time, but it never quite fell in to place until now. Steve and I have a LOT of differences in our personalities and tastes (and he's also much, much smarter than I am) but there are some core personality traits that, as it happens, are genetic. After not seeing each other at all for the first 21 years we were on the planet at the same time, we have a surprising amount of habits and speech patterns in common that were not picked up from our respective parents (neither of us grew up around our shared biological parent). Most people can tell that we're siblings by just watching how we interact with each other in a conversation at the dinner table, which we find interesting considering that if you put all the time we've spent together back to back our WHOLE LIVES, it's just under a month... And that's not one on one quality time either, that's time we've been in the same city. Anyways, this comic is a little shout out to all the times we've heard, "oh wow! Ash/Steve does that too!" from friends and family. PS: This comic also applies to our other 2 brothers (Sean and Bob) whom we did not grow up around and had different families to pick up traits from. It's good to know you can miss the first 20 years of getting to know one another, and still sit down with them like you've been around them your whole life. <3