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MegaCynics :: Super Moon
  • MegaCynics :: Super Moon MegaCynics :: Super Moon

    Once again, I'm going to throw up a bit of a disclaimer on this comic. I am by no means trying to speak for ALL women here. I do not believe every single girl is catty enough to think evil thoughts about their friends when they get a pretty dress/ lose some weight/ get a new hair do etc... This is comic based off of my brother, my friends and myself and to be perfectly honest, Bianca and I would say the mean things to each other and laugh about it because that's just how we speak to each other (as would Steve and I and most of the other people depicted in this comic). I thought it'd be funny to throw that dialogue in to a "What They Say" comic so here it is. Please don't think that I am speaking on behalf of all women in this comic, I'm merely writing something funny on behalf of myself and my roommate. :P