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MegaCynics :: After Math
  • MegaCynics :: After Math MegaCynics :: After Math

    Today's comic was inspired by a conversation I had with a friend of mine a few weeks ago before I came down to L.A. Being able to visit the USA for 6 months out of the year as a visitor means that you don't have to get a visa if you just want to hang out in the US (as long as you don't make any money from and American company), but it also means that you don't actually have a *reason* to be in the US... so if they want to they can just turn you away. Which is fine, it's their country and they have every right to boot me out if they feel like it (please don't boot me out, America... I promise I'll go home when my time is up.) My friend and I were discussing "silly" reasons I have for coming to the US and I said something to the effect of "Well I could go visit the LA Kings and ask if they're done playing around with our cup yet?"... which would be funny at the time, but I doubted it would be a valid reason to go to the USA. I decided against saying that at the border (they don't have the most amazing sense of humor from what I have encountered) but I thought it might make a good comic if I pretended I was a disgruntled Jersey fan... and now, here we are. :)