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MegaCynics :: A Penny Earned
  • MegaCynics :: A Penny Earned MegaCynics :: A Penny Earned

    This comic was inspired by my drunk tweets (if any of you follow me on twitter, then you've been subjected to them on numerous occasions). I recall we were watching a news cast about a heroic fireman and (although I am too drunk to remember the exact words) the man describing the house fire used a really epic term instead of fire man... like "fire destroyer" or something. Anyways, in my drunken stupor, I made up an even MORE epic title for a fireman (challenger to the inferno, I believe it was) and just went from there replacing all job titles with more epic one. Shortly there after I starting tweeting them (not a cop, but a CRIME SLAYER!... etc) and was met with a land slide of awesome epic job titles. I'll make a post on the Megacynics facebook page a little later and post some of my favorites. **side note** I know I got Sarah's height a bit wrong in this comic. I didn't really notice until after it was done. Let's just say she's standing on a milk crate. :P