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MegaCynics :: Avoiding Infection
  • MegaCynics :: Avoiding Infection MegaCynics :: Avoiding Infection

    Happy Canada Day, everyone! ***before you mention it, I am aware that there is a spelling error on the word "fourth" I am not in town right now and don't yet have access to the master file, but it WILL be changed soon.*** This comic didn't really happen per se... I was actually originally discussing Canada Day vs Independence Day with Marc a few weeks back and I had to admit, I had no idea what the specifics were on how either country became official, just that it happened on the 1st and 4th of July. I am the girl who was drawing comics in my notebook when I should have been paying attention in Social Studies/ History class. Anyway, I decided to throw Bianca in to this comic because I've already introduced her as an American character recently, and... well... I just adore her. :) I have a feeling she'll be my go-to-American in future comics.