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MegaCynics :: Kickstart my Cart
  • MegaCynics :: Kickstart my Cart MegaCynics :: Kickstart my Cart

    Today's comic was inspired by several factors... 1. E3 (obviously) and the ridiculous amount of ladies hired to stand around and look pretty to advertise video games they know nothing about. I understand the whole "sex sells" mentality, but it's becoming far too overdone in this industry as many of you witnessed/read about. 2. Steve mentioned in a tweet (which I somehow missed completely) that the whole "Booth Babe" thing should be equal opportunity for both genders and coined the term "Booth Beef"... I didn't even see the tweet until after the comic idea took form, but I have to hand it to him, he called it. 3. Our friend, Curtis (better known to his fans as Takahata101) also mentioned in a tweet that he wanted to be the pioneer of male Booth Babes, and came up with the term "Booth Bro" which set the wheels in my brain turning until I wrote out an outline for this comic. I'll also mention, I didn't ask anyone for permission before I drew them into this comic... rather, I informed them that this was happening, so my apologies to the guest stars. Featured here we have Teal Sherer as the hostess of the first booth with male babes, and a beefy line-up of Chris Avellone (Obsidian Entertainment), Curtis (Takahata101), Marc Watson (@Marc_IRL on twitter, customer service rep for Mojang) and of course Steve (my awesome brother and founder of Dracogen investments).