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MegaCynics :: Winter is... Approaching?
  • MegaCynics :: Winter is... Approaching? MegaCynics :: Winter is... Approaching?

    So, before you post anything about this comic, please take note: I have many friends who live in Los Angeles and not a one of them is a hockey fan. As a Canadian I found it strange to live in a city with an NHL team and not want to go see them play or keep up with how they're doing in the season (while I was down there in February I discovered you can attend a Kings game for nine dollars. NINE. FUCKING. DOLLARS.). Months ago I was trying to strike up a conversation about hockey and they asked how the Kings were doing and I told them the truth which, at the time, was not very well (I'm paraphrasing here, I believe my exact words were "If the Kings actually make it through the playoffs and win the cup, I'll chew off my left arm"). So (of course) the Kings turned it around, plowed their way to the playoffs and took the cup. In lieu of sacrificing one of limbs, I thought I'd give give them a shout out in a comic (while poking fun at my friends at the same time). GG, LA Kings!

  • is a thing that happened, not sure about the new winter character, that would be hilarious if they actually did that