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MegaCynics :: Dis Robed
  • MegaCynics :: Dis Robed MegaCynics :: Dis Robed

    This comic was inspired by a real conversation between Pagz (Geoff) and I... well... there's not much else to say about it besides that. It happened almost exactly like this, we just weren't talking about Bianca at the time. Bianca is real, though, and one of my best friends despite living a thousand miles away. I met her on the set of Nuka Break in August 2011 when Steve and I went down for the filming (also where we met Zack Finfrock in the flesh for the first time). You can check out Bianca's site to see some of her work if you so desire :) I have a feeling she'll be appearing in the comic a lot more often from now on.