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MegaCynics :: No Childhood is Safe
  • MegaCynics :: No Childhood is Safe MegaCynics :: No Childhood is Safe

    This comic is inspired by many gatherings I attended in my teenage years where we'd throw a party and make it either a movie marathon or a video game night. Most people would show up, have a few drinks, socialize for a while and then go home, but there were a select few who would stay up all damn night playing the games or watching the movies until they passed out or the sun came up. As I recall some people even stayed up all night and then went to work afterwards if they worked the morning shift (sometimes still tipsy from drinking all night). I can't say I made it through many of them (once, maybe twice tops) but I often woke up in the wee hours of the morning on someone's couch to the sight of two or three friends bound and determined to finish the movies they were watching or beat the game *one more time* on hard mode to unlock every character. It's also inspired by the ludicrous amount of alcohol I drink at parties.... and at home... all the time... *cough*