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MegaCynics :: What They Say... #2
  • MegaCynics :: What They Say... #2 MegaCynics :: What They Say... #2

    This comic was spawned from a few different elements... 1) I've had a few ideas for a Doctor Who themed party comic for a while now and I figured it'd need an intro. 2) I wanted to give a shout out to Geek and Sundry for being kind enough to interview Steve (and give a shout out to plug the comic). 3) I am in constant awe of the incredible and generous things Steve does for not only the gaming community, but for small businesses, charities and just the human race in general (seriously, he's one of the greatest human beings on the planet), but first and foremost I think of him as my brother and the urge to poke fun at him as any little sister would leads to some pretty entertaining conversations with people. 4) ...and finally, Steve did wear that ridiculous calculator watch way to far into his adulthood, thereby solidifying his nerd status for the rest of his life. True story.