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MegaCynics :: Expensive Addictions
  • MegaCynics :: Expensive Addictions MegaCynics :: Expensive Addictions

    So this comic had been sitting in the back of my mind for a while now, but every time I told myself "Yeah I'm totally going to draw that comic today" I thought of something else that was either less panels to draw or more topical at the time (Something involving star wars and dancing came up at one point.. I don't clearly remember how though). Luckily, we here at MegaCynics have some wonderful guest artists we can call upon to help us out once in a while. Today's comic is drawn by the very talented Zack Finfrock (you may know him as Twig in the webseries "Fallout: Nuka Break"). It's also featuring another good friend of ours, Harrison Krix of Volpin Props (yeah, he made that bad-ass Portal Gun you all wanted so bad). Hope you enjoy this melting-pot of awesome :D