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MegaCynics :: Dance Dance... Aw, Screw it
  • MegaCynics :: Dance Dance... Aw, Screw it MegaCynics :: Dance Dance... Aw, Screw it

    Today's comic is about one of my favorite new games, "Zombies, RUN!". If you haven't heard of it, you should go read up on it, especially if you're looking to get up and get moving to shed a few pounds or just to stay healthy, now you can do that while evading zombies! I can't talk this game up enough, it's awesome for someone like me who likes to run but lacks motivation. Every time I've gone running in the past I ended up looking at my pedometer every two minutes and made excuses as to why I should cut my run short that day. BUT NO MORE! This game mixes an awesome Zompocalypse story line into your music while you run (which is very VERY well voice-acted) and during your songs there is a chance you'll encounter a zombie mob that you then have to increase your pace for a full minute to evade. Now personally, I get really into this game and listen closly to the story and try to imagine myself in this world, so when I get chased my zombies, or one of the radio voices tells me to run, I FUCKING RUN. I also always run at night and this is for two reasons... One, it adds to the spookiness of the game when it's dark and there aren't many people around. Two, I probably look like a moron when I'm clumsily sprinting around trying to avoid zombie mobs so the less viability other people have of me, the better (don't worry I always run on a set route with no car traffic). This comic is the result of me thinking about what I'd look like if I were to play the game in broad daylight where everyone can see me flailing around like a doofus. Enjoy :)