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MegaCynics :: A Natural Selection
  • MegaCynics :: A Natural Selection MegaCynics :: A Natural Selection

    So before anyone points it out, I'm aware that this joke has been made before... However, I did not know that it'd been put into comic form by other people until about 15 seconds AFTER I finished making this comic so up until that point (which was about 2-3 weeks ago) I thought I was being absolutely hilarious and original. Oh well, I suppose great minds think alike. Anyways, I never really had this conversation with Steve (I have it on good authority that he doesn't watch Game of Thrones) this joke actually started out (for me at least) with me being drunk on Twitter. I had a moment of dirty-minded brilliance and tweeted the whole "extra character named Winter" thing, much to the internet's approval, and promised myself I would put it in to a comic. I, of course, immediately forgot about it until recently. But here it is now!