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MegaCynics :: Adventures in Flying #2
  • Believe me, I know this kind of shit well. I'm a Canadian now living in the US. During said move there were a number of Issues. Yarmouth, NS to St.Louis MO. Started with a 3 Hour long drive from Yarmouth to Halifax... My poor cat stuck in a carrier....Moving issue #1, after careful packing of the belongings being send via UPS, they had to repack it themselves causing me to have to stay several hours to document what was going into each box. Moving issue #2. Due to the UPS mess and a father that didn't believe in the concept of UPS stop the day before the flight, the Flight that allowed for my cat was missed, she had to return with him after Flight #2 was purchased.Moving issue #3. Halifax to Montreal. Got to Montreal thinking I was getting somewhere.. HA!! Held by Department of Homeland Security for some sort of security check that they don't tell you about delaying past the next flight.. once cleared and a rescheduled flight that was supposed to go to Chicago.. now to Toronto.. goody, nice 14 hours in Montreal I might add.Moving issue #4. Got to Toronto and guess what!?!? DHS Security check! Oh come on! Luckily I still hadn't crossed into the US, this check was brief and got to get on the next flight.. Toronto to Atlanta. Got into Atlanta Had a much needed Coke from the Holy land (Yes I'm devoted to my drink of choice.) Next was Atlanta to St. Louis. to met my soon to be wife.. I was walking to meet her using the wall to hold me up. But wait there is more...Moving issue #5 UPS was delayed in shipping my stuff and the computers (2 of them) were damaged. One was my personal file server, which the hard drive case came loose and needed new screws.. luckily working. The other was my personal rig, the gaming one.. Monitor fucked.. system was unstable and unreliable.. 4-5 months to be compensated. Several months later we found a pet transport service and my cat made it.. easier for her to immigrate.. 
  • I feel for you, few weeks back I flew from South Dakota (midwest USA) to LA California.  They flew me EAST to Minnapolis, delayed twice, then to LAX. Total flight to LA was 14 hours.
    Flight back was delayed 2 hours, missed connection, 5 hour wait.. 15.5 hour total flight back.Next time I'm driving. :D