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MegaCynics :: The Future is Bleak
  • MegaCynics :: The Future is Bleak MegaCynics :: The Future is Bleak

    Before you girls say anything, I do realize I am viciously and unfairly attacking my own gender here, and to that I say... who gives a shit? If this comic applies to you, then you know who you are. I should know, at one point it applied to me. Ladies, if you aren't interested in the guy, then say it. "I'm not interested, sorry." I know you think you're sparing the guys' feelings when you say "You're so great" and "You deserve someone better than me" or "I wish there were more guys like you!" But what you're actually doing is implying that there is something wrong with them and that they need only fix it to gain your affections. This hurts them more in the long run than just being shot down. Grow some lady-balls.